This week in Language Arts students will...
- Continue working on small moment stories
- Practice stretching out tiny moments using transition words and details
- Plan detailed stories by telling stories aloud before writing them
- Work on strategies to reinforce that stories have a beginning, middle, and end
- Be introduced to new vocabulary and challenge selves to find words in other readings
- Make text-to-self connections with literacy
- Recognize long and short vowel sounds
- Reinforce spelling patterns through spelling sorts
- Continue building bank of tools to use when coming across hard words in reading
This week in Math students will...
- Mork on subtraction facts using subtraction tables
- Graph numbers and draw conclusions
- Find pattern with odd and even numbers
- Model and solve word problems
- Work on Reflex Math
- Facilitate hands on math practice using our BUILD program
This week in Science students will...
- Continue our unit on matter but specifically in regards to heat, such as
- how does matter change with heat
- predicting and observing changes caused by heat
- enriching our 'matter' vocabulary
- identifying changes causes by heat and by cooling